Production Information
Monday 21 February 1994 to Saturday 26 February 1994 (6 performances)
at Hampton Court Theatre, Hampton Court House, Surrey, United Kingdom
Period 1204 - 1227: "The voice reminded them of their history; According to legend we were decended from the mating of a Blue Wolf and a White Hind, the ruthless and the gentle. Never was that inheritance more surely demonstrated in one man, than it was in him."
YAT's first production in 1994 was a WORLD PREMIERE of a script written by fellow member David Wheatley.
David Wheatley has been a member of YAT since 1984. Child of the Blue Wolf is his first major play to see the light of day. David had fiddled about with writing for several years until one day during the Summer of 1993 when Eric Yardley finally called his bluff and announced that David was writing the play for the February 1994 slot. The only way to avoid looking stupid was to hit every library for miles and get some research done. The result is Child of the Blue Wolf and whatever else you can say about the play, though it may be guilty of some slight dramatic licence with the minor characters, the major events of the play are historical fact.
Genghis Khan - Child of the Blue Wolfby David Wheatley
David Wheatley's carefully researched epic tells the story of the Mongol warrior who welded a group of warring tribes into a spiteful army that killed, pillaged, raped, destroyed and conquered on its way to creating the Mongol Empire; the largest contiguous land empire in human history. Whilst the focus of the play is on the killing fields and the personal story of those directly affected by it, it also underlines a savage irony that these bullying conquerors could be goaded into retributive overkill whenever one of their victims dared to strike back.