Production Information
Saturday 30 September 1972 (1 performance)
at St Mary's Church Hall, Hampton, United Kingdom
by Vivienne C Wellburn
A group of young people gather on a piece of wasteland near to a fairground. They are waiting. They will go to the fair - but later. Their leader, Johnny, has already gone to the fair and without him they are powerless to make decisions. In the meantime they are amused and exasperated by the clown, Toby, a young man who finds strength in not caring. The web of their boredom is penetrated, momentarily, by the eternal dark stranger, a powerful, enigmatic woman whom Johnny has also abandoned. But she offers the waiting group no answers and finally, as Toby has always known, they must make their own decisions.
In 'Johnny so Long', Vivienne C. Welburn has examined, with penetration and great compassion, that period in all adolescent lives when nothing happens and there is nothing to do. Motiveless, directionless, they are thrown upon their own inadequate resources. From this time of standing still, her characters find their own identities and the courage to be independent.