• Matthew Hilliard

Matthew Hilliard


I joined YAT in the early 90s and it has been one of the most pivotal experiences in my life. It provided an incredible immersion in theatre, music, art and a broad community. Honestly, I can't bear to think of my life without the creative pursuits that YAT set the course for. YAT helped form my ideas of commitment, discipline, responsibility, respect and process, it helped build my confidence, develop skills and pushed me into unfamiliar, challenging but rewarding experiences. I met so many wonderful people in YAT who helped create experiences big and small that inform me still and will be remembered always. YAT is more than an opportunity for youth to appear on stage, it is a place where we are introduced to art, create community, set goals, achieve goals, build our confidence, work together, explore our talents and our identities, develop ourselves as human beings and members of society.